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How to Automate your Invoicing from Airtable

This morning, I was speaking to a prospective client - let's call him David. David had some questions about how Airtable could improve his business. We spoke about potential automation and process improvements for his business. Soon, the discussion turned to accounting - specifically Quickbooks...

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Why you Need a Custom UI for Airtable

One of the biggest limitations to Airtable is that the software is unable to link from one base to another. This is something that I've heard many clients complain about, but I think that this 'issue' is really rooted in a different problem. Ideally, all of our data would live in one single...

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Automate Docs from Inside Airtable

Airtable's new partner blocks are an exciting development within the Airtable universe. Essentially, Airtable has started to allow third parties to build custom blocks that integrate with their products. Some of these are merely cosmetic, but others are really exciting and packed full of...

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Creating a User Portal for Airtable

Airtable is so incredibly powerful, but like all software, it has some limitations. Possibly the largest of those limitations is being able to limit access for your users.

Yes, Airtable has provided us with four levels of permissions (Creator, Editor, Collaborator, Read-Only). So, when you share...

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Coda Project Part 2: Using Buttons in Coda

When we left off with our Coda project (Part 1 here), we needed to add functionality to buttons inside our doc. To set the stage here, this specific part of our process is to determine an outcome from a consultation. Ideally, if a consultation goes well and the prospective client can use...

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Coda Project Part 1: Bringing Data into Coda

For the past couple of years, GAP Consulting has managed all of our ongoing leads, projects, payments, etc. (basically our entire business) from an Airtable database. I hope this comes as no surprise, seeing as this is exactly how we help our clients. As I mentioned in an email from a...

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